Flue Gas Isolation Valves
Isolation and Tight Shut Off For Flue Gas And High Temperature Applications.
For over 60 years, TapcoEnpro has developed and designed large, special purpose Flue Gas Dampers, Diverters, Guillotine and Goggle Valves in cooperation with process engineers and plant operators to solve their high temperature isolation needs. Our valves are used for the CO-Boiler, Waste Heat Boiler Inlet / Bypass / Outlet, Flue Gas Cooler Inlet / Bypass / Outlet, Expander Inlet / Bypass / Outlet and the Precipitator Inlet / Bypass / Outlet isolation requirements.
As a trusted partner, we deliver safe, reliable products while providing the best value for our customers. From the moment a customer contacts us, through delivery, installation, support and service we’re there to provide unparalleled products, service and support. We continually strive to make our products the best, most reliable in the industry.
High temperatures combined with abrasive catalyst particles create challenges for most valve designs. Every component in the TapcoEnpro isolation valve is specifically designed to withstand these harsh service elements. Since 1972, our customers know that when safety and reliability matters, they count on TapcoEnpro to deliver equipment that stands up to their severe conditions. Our "in service" isolation valves range up to 154 inches and operate in temperatures up to 5,000 degrees F.
Our extensive experience in designing and building engineered severe-service industrial valves and equipment for FCC units has made us one of the premier valve manufactures in the industry today.